Like the American Kennel Club, the Rio Grande Kennel Club is dedicated to protecting the rights of all dog owners, promoting responsible dog ownership and ensuring that laws governing dog ownership and breeding are reasonable, enforceable and non-discriminatory. We also work to educate and inform responsible dog owners and breeders about issues that impact them along with monitoring and positively impacting legislation that affects them. Rio Grande Kennel Club and its members are actively involved in protecting the rights of responsible dog owners at national, state and local levels.
National Links
- American Kennel Club Government Relations
- United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA APHIS)
- National Animal Interest Alliance (NAIA)
- NAIA Trust
- Sportsmen’s and Animal Owners’ Voting Alliance (SAOVA)
State and Local Links
- New Mexico Legislature
- New Mexico Statutes – primarily NMSA Chapter 30, Article 18 and Chapter 77
- Bernalillo County Animal Care Services
- City of Albuquerque Animal Welfare